Thursday, August 26, 2010

Facebook Zen - Don't Fight Facebook, Learn To Love It!

You heard that right - don’t fight Facebook – learn to love it! I understand a lot of people may be intimidated by social media, but it really is not anything to be afraid of. (I promise!)
Facebook is a great casual networking arena where you can interact with individuals, organizations, companies, like products, and partake in causes. In this dynamic interactive space, you can make many types of connections that not only enrich you the individual – but can also enrich you the professional, the business owner, the entrepreneur, the expert.

Just dive right in, I promise the water is deep and you won’t hurt yourself, go ahead and make an account (or you can have someone help set one up for you, like a Virtual Assistant). Once you have an account set up you can begin to familiarize yourself with it and get used to how Facebook functions. There are some great articles to help you get started with Facebook out there I highly suggest reviewing. One thing to note is your privacy, Facebook offers privacy settings but please be aware of your safety at all times and the kind of information you are sharing with others.

Considering it is hard for one to interact with themselves – your first step to take is to “find friends.” Trust me when I say this begins to get addictive! Start with family members, branch to close friends and then coworkers. This will give you an excellent foundation to building your Facebook network. You will be surprised at how many Facebook users you know that will help connect you with others or give you friend suggestions. Soon your connection network will branch out in every direction imaginable.

Now that you have a nice friend base, you can move on to what it is exactly you would like to DO with Facebook. This is where some people get a little fuzzy or things begin to blur. Is this a personal account? If you want to keep family and friends separate from business, I suggest creating an additional “professional Facebook account” – one that reflects your network of colleagues and associates, vendors and clients. Since this article is referencing Facebook for business, we are going to focus on how you can use this very easy social medium to your business advantage. Remember – if it is professional, keep it professional.

Photos are a lot of fun, and are a great thing to share about you, what you do, what you are involved in, what passions you have, what activities you partake in and a way to offer a piece of you with the world. They make great conversation starters, so don’t be afraid to post about the great things going on in your life!

Videos are another way to share yourself with others and can also offer a great marketing platform. Videos are highly indexed in the search engines, and when linked to other social media networks like YouTube, you have a great start at a viral video (and did I mention FREE?). (Don’t worry, “viral” isn’t a bad thing, it simply means that it spreads on the Internet because people enjoy sharing it by all networking and link sharing means, including Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, MySpace, etc.

Status updates – pretty straightforward. Update your friends on what you are doing, what is on your mind, a quote that inspired you, a link that interested you, etc. I would suggest trying to get these in once a day as a normal interval (which it is completely understandable if you are not able to do this) but no less than once a week. Having a stale account can sometimes be a bad reflection when a potential client comes looking for you. The great thing about Facebook is that once your business gets hopping and using social media to boost your search engine rankings begin to pan out, you can always ask a Virtual Assistant to help you maintain your social media websites on an as-needed basis.

Comments are a lot of fun, too – this is how you interact with your friends list. When you see your “feed” you will see posts, status updates, videos and photos of the people you know. You can place comments on these items to mingle with your peers. Let the real you shine through!

The “Like” button is also an easy tool to use when interacting with friends. If you don’t really have anything to add to the discussion you can simply “like” someone else’s activity. This is a great way to keep active even if you are running short on time, and lets your friends know you are still in touch with them.

Not to mention you can link your Facebook page to your Blog, Twitter and other networking websites to get all of those feeds spreading out from just a single source - that's online marketing efficiency!

Again, it is always a good idea to be mindful of your posts and comments – Facebook is indeed a public networking site, no matter how private you think your comments are. Keep everything professional and please also be mindful of your safety and do not offer information that is too personal.

See? Not so scary now is it? Go forth my friends – go forth and network the world! If you want a great place to get started, feel free to friend Targeting Pro, I look forward to networking with you!

“God bless the Geek, for they shall Internet the earth.”


Stay tuned to the Targeting Pro blog for my upcoming articles that will delve deeper into each aspect of social media – we will be really getting into the meat and potatoes of what it takes to be top in your field. If you need assistance in setting up or maintaining your social media outlets, feel free to contact me to discuss if Virtual Assisting or Ghost Writing is right for you!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Search Engines Are Hungry

What are you feeding them?

Internet users are growing by the day, websites are growing by the day – that means that more and more of the world’s population has internet access. What does this mean for websites? Competition.

A website should not just simply “exist” – a website should be a living and breathing thing that is always changing and always growing with a business. It does not matter if the website’s purpose is to sell fine china, provide real estate services or simply to offer the public information – they all have the same goal: to be seen.

Having a static web page that never changes and never updates information will have a hard time competing in today’s online market. Everyone is fighting and fighting hard for a slice of the pie to make a living. The economy is currently in a state to push a website to the top, or push it out of the way – depending on where it wants to go.

If you build it, they will come, and no phrase could be truer for the web. Offer something no one else does, provide a unique service or fantastic product and market it correctly. Slapping up boring text on a website will have a hard job of drawing in people, it must be interesting, captivating and believable.

If you are ready to vamp up your website and turn it from bland to grand – leave it in the hands of a pro. Not a website expert? You don’t have to be! Targeting Pro offers flexible website plans for any budget and frees up your time to keep running your business.


Friday, February 5, 2010

Technology - Are You Up To Speed?

We are in the heart of the Information Age, where innovation can take you to the top of your industry, where unique ideas are key and clever business plans can boost you above your competition. Business has become a challenging marketplace, and especially so for the hard economic times befalling the Real Estate market.

There is no “magic strategy” or “secrets to success” in this market - it is hard work, innovative ideas and putting the time into your business to reflect the revenue you want out of it. It really does not matter what other agents in your area are doing and what makes them successful - what matters is what makes you different in your field. What do you offer that other agents don’t? What services do you provide that other agents lack? What kind of guarantees do you offer for your services or products that bring comfort and security to your clients? Are you leveraging technology in your favor to get an edge on your competition?

Being successful in business is being able to take problems and turning them into opportunities. With technology rapidly changing, becoming more complex and niche out more focused markets, it is playing a vital part of business plans today. When you delay, you lose business. When you are the last on board with technologies that make your job more efficient either in the realms of money, time or procedure, you are lagging behind in the market. Working in the service industry we are in a world of increasing customer expectations and needs, if you are not able to satisfy these you are more than likely not going to be able to retain the clients and contacts that you manage to come across. Responding quickly to new products and services that better your customer experience can rocket you ahead in this hypercompetitive market.

Is your website up to speed? Do you currently partake in Search Engine Optimization (SEO)? Do you have dynamic contact forms? Do you partake in Social Media outlets? Do you have unique and completely custom content on your website that sets you apart from the standard template real estate agent of your competitive market? If not… you may be missing out on your slice of the market share.

“The amount of information available on the Internet more than doubles every year, and most of it is free.” - Business and Information Technology

What are you offering on the world wide web? Are you simply hoping that sticking property statistics on your website will bring a buyer? Are you offering information about your area? County? City? Subdivisions? Retirement Communities? Public Parks? National Parks? Recreation Areas? If you haven’t gotten into updating your website you’re behind your competition. Don’t have time for updating your website, your blog, or your Twitter account? Find someone who can. What are you doing to keep yourself ahead of the pack? What is even scarier to think about - what do you think your competition is doing?

One of the keys of success in any business is to leverage ingenuity and to enact on a future that is continually being built upon information technologies. Our world is constantly changing and if you do not have the ability or you flat out refuse to change with it - you will find yourself trying to live in a world that no longer exists. The “old school” way of performing real estate services is exactly where it should be - in the past. Are you stepping up to the plate of revolutionary change to perform better service than any other agent out there? To remain ignorant of today’s technologies is to put yourself behind the proverbial eight ball - don't be left behind. If you need help to get ahead, don't be afraid to ask for it!


Quote from:
Business and Information Technology
Author: Efraim Turban, R. Kelly Rainer, Richard E. Potter
copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Are You Utilizing Your Website To Its Full Potential?

Your most powerful asset to your marketing strategy should be your website. It is your way to literally touch the world using the internet to a very wide client base. It is your face to your clients, your community and your associates. There are a few questions you have to ask yourself in your assessment of where you want to be with your brand and image:

Are you putting in the time and effort into not only making it the best website in the business but also keeping it that way?

Do you have skills it takes to create a comprehensive and attractive website?

Do you have the time to create unique content that your clients and associates will find valuable?

Do you have the time to stay in touch with your clients using social media outlets?

A lot of people find it hard to answer yes to all of these questions. The next very important step is to say “Okay - now what do I do about it?”

I have come across many people who badly want to bring their websites up to speed but have no idea to go about doing it. I like to think of a website as a home. There is a base cost to even have one (as in domain & hosting fees), there are maintenance fees (perhaps you pay for a website to host on your page from an outside source), you have to keep it clean & current every single day, there are fees for updating & upgrading & renovating, etc…

Now every homeowner will know, that if you do not have the ability to perform all of these tasks yourself, they hire a professional to take care of their investment. If you do not have time to clean, you hire a trusted housekeeper, if you have a broken pipe you hire a plumber, if your roof is leaking you hire a roofer, if you need a remodel or overhaul you hire a contractor. Specialists were created because we all cannot be perfect in all things - if websites & search engine optimization are not your strong points, if writing unique content has you with writer’s block and if social media is intimidating & confusing, it is perfectly logical to hire someone to assist you in these technical matters.

You specialize in what you do for a reason - to provide exceptional service to your clients. As your internet marketing specialist, I also offer to give you the same exceptional service for your website. You don’t have to be a writing expert or a social media whiz to provide valuable information to the world - you can keep on being your own professional and having your website support taken care of with confidence.

If you would like a website strategy plan particularly tailored to your business, needs, area & area of expertise, feel free to get in touch!




Thursday, January 14, 2010

Why Do I Need A Virtual Assistant?

Every business has room for growth, no matter what the budget or economy holds. If you are not adapting to the changing market you will find yourself trying to survive in a world that no longer exists. All businesses benefit from intelligent and well-planned growth. Whether you need assistance for 1 hour, 1 week or several months – a Virtual Assistant is your on-hire help with no long-term obligation. Search Engine Optimization is another aspect every business website cannot be without. What does Search Engine Optimization (SEO) mean? It means that your website is geared up for the best possible search engine rankings with relevant content to help boost your placement. The more potential clients that see you, the more sales you will make.

If web design, graphic creation, html coding, linking, social media, Twitter, Facebook and blogging have your head spinning – allow a Virtual Assistant to help take the technical burden off of you so that you can get back to what you do best: Running your business. On-going web maintenance can sometimes be a hassle for individuals who are not familiar with the latest technology or have the bigger fish to fry on a daily basis. Signing on a Virtual Assistant to help maintain your website, content, SEO and even shadow writing for your blog can be priceless additions to your web presence. Effective website create online presence – make your reputation online as good as it is in the field!



Sunday, January 10, 2010

5 Simple Tasks To Boost Your Business in 2010

Gearing up for 2010 can be the best and also the scariest thing you can do - don't know where to begin? These five simple tips will help you on your way to kick-start your business!

1. Check Your Email Regularly – Your clients know we are living in a virtual world and responding to emails promptly has been as important as returning a phone call. If you do not have a mobile email service with your current phone company, check your emails often and respond to potential clients even if you have to research the information and get back to them later once you know the answer. Business does not wait!

2. Answer Your Phone With A Smile – Sounds simple, right? An old trick that works well to get you started is to hang a small mirror facing you where you receive most of your phone calls. Before you answer the phone – smile – the caller will hear it in your voice. Before you know it you will be trained to answer the phone like this all the time – a positive attitude can be priceless!

3. Focus On Accomplishing Tasks – Another simple one? It is so easy in today’s day and age to get distracted. Plain and simple – distractions take us away from our focus. Whether your task is to return all of your calls before 9am, to complete a load of laundry or to publish your blog post – remember this: You are only human and can only complete one task at a time. Even if you are a multitasker you will know that jumping from one subject to another causes you to break your concentration on what you are doing. Stay focused and complete one task (no matter how minor) before moving on to the next.

4. Set Goals – No matter how you want to do it, whether you want to write out a business plan for the year, post a white board, create a checklist or plug asks into your mobile calendar, set yourself up with reasonable goals. Achieving goals not only accomplishes work but it motivates us to take it to the next step. Break it down to small items that accomplish a large goal. Do you want more internet presence? Well then are you putting unique content on your website? Are you using search engine optimization strategies? Do you have a call to action on each page? Don’t overwhelm yourself with long-term goals, just break them down into more manageable ones and you will see your progress.

5. Social Media – You’ve heard it all over the web and you’ve watched it on the news – Social Media is the next big thing. NO it is not. IT IS THE BIGGEST THING. We are all becoming “plugged in” to the internet. We are finding our niches, our outlets, our interests, our coworkers and even our friends and family with the help of social media. Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn help you stay connected to the things you value most. Don’t miss out, be out of the loop or find yourself sitting on the sidelines – Take the plunge and dive right in!

Let's face it - every business could use a booster shot. If you are finding yourself running short on time or it is taking you away from your clients, think about the possibilities of hiring a Virtual Assistant (or VA) to help with your tasks. Hire for as long as you like - no long term commitments!



Thursday, January 7, 2010

What is a Virtual Assistant?

A Virtual Assistant is a highly trained individual in various areas of expertise to help support your business in lieu of a full or part time employee. These business services are typically done via the internet, phone or fax to meet a client’s specific needs.

Hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) is much more cost effective in today’s economy considering wages, benefits, unemployment and the ability to keep an employee hired for the originally agreed upon hours once a project has been completed. You hire a VA for as long as you need them – with no worry of over-extending yourself or possibly having to lay off employees in the future.

A Virtual Assistant will typically have an appointment with you or supply you with a questionnaire to help solidify the type of work that you need. Once the needs of the client are established the client is given a rate of pay for the services they are requiring. If the pricing is acceptable a Virtual Assistant can then be hired on a contractual basis depending on the needs of the client.

If you would like to start the process of hiring a Virtual Assistant - I would be more than happy to figure out a plan that works for you!

