1. Check Your Email Regularly – Your clients know we are living in a virtual world and responding to emails promptly has been as important as returning a phone call. If you do not have a mobile email service with your current phone company, check your emails often and respond to potential clients even if you have to research the information and get back to them later once you know the answer. Business does not wait!
2. Answer Your Phone With A Smile – Sounds simple, right? An old trick that works well to get you started is to hang a small mirror facing you where you receive most of your phone calls. Before you answer the phone – smile – the caller will hear it in your voice. Before you know it you will be trained to answer the phone like this all the time – a positive attitude can be priceless!
3. Focus On Accomplishing Tasks – Another simple one? It is so easy in today’s day and age to get distracted. Plain and simple – distractions take us away from our focus. Whether your task is to return all of your calls before 9am, to complete a load of laundry or to publish your blog post – remember this: You are only human and can only complete one task at a time. Even if you are a multitasker you will know that jumping from one subject to another causes you to break your concentration on what you are doing. Stay focused and complete one task (no matter how minor) before moving on to the next.
4. Set Goals – No matter how you want to do it, whether you want to write out a business plan for the year, post a white board, create a checklist or plug asks into your mobile calendar, set yourself up with reasonable goals. Achieving goals not only accomplishes work but it motivates us to take it to the next step. Break it down to small items that accomplish a large goal. Do you want more internet presence? Well then are you putting unique content on your website? Are you using search engine optimization strategies? Do you have a call to action on each page? Don’t overwhelm yourself with long-term goals, just break them down into more manageable ones and you will see your progress.
5. Social Media – You’ve heard it all over the web and you’ve watched it on the news – Social Media is the next big thing. NO it is not. IT IS THE BIGGEST THING. We are all becoming “plugged in” to the internet. We are finding our niches, our outlets, our interests, our coworkers and even our friends and family with the help of social media. Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn help you stay connected to the things you value most. Don’t miss out, be out of the loop or find yourself sitting on the sidelines – Take the plunge and dive right in!
Let's face it - every business could use a booster shot. If you are finding yourself running short on time or it is taking you away from your clients, think about the possibilities of hiring a Virtual Assistant (or VA) to help with your tasks. Hire for as long as you like - no long term commitments!
Email: TargetingPro@gmail.com
Blog: http://TargetingPro.blogspot.com/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TargetingPro
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TargetingPro
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/TargetingPro
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