Thursday, January 12, 2017

Top 7 New Years Marketing Resolutions For Your Business

New Years Marketing Tips, Tricks, and Ideas by Targeting Pro Marketing

Top 7 New Year’s Marketing Resolutions For Your Business

We know marketing is not easy.  It is one of the most diverse and dynamic parts of running or owning a business.  Knowing when and where to spend your invested marketing money can be nerve-wracking.  With the new year brings great promise of the future.  Many individuals make New Year’s resolutions… to get healthy, to drop a bad habit, to further their education, to step outside their comfort zone, or to simply grow as a person.  What if you apply those to your business?  These top 7 marketing rejuvenation efforts will leave you glowing for the upcoming year!

1. Stop Procrastinating With Your Marketing Plan

We all know how difficult it can be to carve out the time for a Marketing Plan.  This important first step usually hangs up most entrepreneurs, but it is the most vital.  Charting out a course for where your business is headed, what you would like to achieve, and setting milestone goals is imperative to achieving the goals you set forth.  How can you possibly know where you are headed without a road map?  This huge first step is what will fundamentally shape your marketing efforts not just for the upcoming year, but how you operate moving forward.

2. Be Mobile-Friendly

It is not just about the desktop PC anymore… more and more users are gaining access to and using their mobile devices as their main source of information.  Waiting for your gas to pump, in the doctor’s office, getting directions, or simply looking up info while you are watching television, mobile devices have become our pocket window to information.  Countless users are looking on their devices rather than breaking out their laptop or sitting down at the computer in the evenings like they used to.  Creating mobile-friendly information for your clients and customers to consume will set you that much ahead of your competition. 

3. Create a Responsive Website

Continuing with the mobile gateway, it is extremely important that your website is responsive.  That means it will adjust for whatever device the viewer is using at that time – whether it is tablet, iPad, iPhone, Android, or other device, your website can adjust itself automatically for maximum usability for the user experience.  As an example, check out our Marketing Project Gallery most recent responsive website design for The Home Team of North Central Florida. 

4. Say Hello to Inbound Marketing

Outbound marketing is expensive and outdated.  Long gone are the days of cold calls or huge amounts of mass postal mailings to “maybe” reach the customers you are looking for.  Inbound marketing puts a positive spin on marketing.  Don’t just spam customers, create content that they love!  Providing detailed information on goods, services, educational materials, informative articles, and photo galleries gives customers what they want, which is to initially consume information.  Once your customer lands on your blog or website, brand awareness has been achieved.  Move these clients further down the pipeline and you have a lucrative sales process! Need help with a Marketing Plan? Contact us for assistance!

5. Map Out Your Content Strategy

Although many folks may think this belongs under the previously mentioned Marketing Plan, but your content strategy is a part of that.  Your content strategy will specifically target your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts, grant you higher placement in the search engines, and you will be providing the content your clients have come to know and love.  Determine what it is you would like to convey in the upcoming year (superior service, outstanding product quality, availability), how you want to market those items (graphics, video, dedicated landing page on your website), and who your target audience is (especially helpful if you are going to invest in paid advertising).  Laying out your ideas, scheduled content, and information aspects of your marketing will better help you prepare for major upcoming events.  If you need help developing a content calendar, contact us and we will be happy to assist you!

6. Adjust Social & Email Strategies

Content is great, well-written and visually-inspiring emails, landing pages, and social media posts are all fantastic… but how effective are they?  What times are working well?  What days of the week work best?  Do certain posts or email releases work better on certain days over others?  How can you track that?  When you sign up with Targeting Pro Marketing, we will do a social media assessment of your current efforts, and where you can improve moving forward.  Contact Targeting Pro Marketing for a consultation today.

7. Consider a Homepage Revitalization

Reinvest in your homepage!  This is literally your digital face to the world.  If it is old, outdated, clunky, hard to navigate, or just plain old unattractive, you can be losing potential income!  You do not necessarily have to get an entire website redesign, sometimes just a little “facelift” makeover will work just fine.  Putting fresh, relative content with up-to-date images can mean the different between a bounced customer that leaves your website or a client who takes the time to browse through what you have to offer.  You cannot sell a client on your professional knowledge, services, or products if they never make it past the first page!  Contact Targeting Pro Marketing for information and pricing on a homepage facelift.

Let’s kick it into high gear this year!

Need help with your marketing promotions?  Feel free to contact Targeting Pro Marketing!

Mark and Christine Barber
Targeting Pro Marketing
Your Ticket To Virtual Freedom

Virtual Assistant | Web/Graphic Designer | SEO | Drone Photographer | Social Media Expert
Phone: 352-553-8739
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